Privacy Policy

Personal Data
The personal data of the Customers are used, based on law 2472/97, exclusively for the execution and proof of their orders, the provision of personalized services and the export of statistical data. This data is not transmitted to third parties. The Customer hereby gives his consent for the storage and processing of his personal data by for the purposes of execution and proof of his orders, the provision of personalized services and the export of statistical data. The Customer has the right to have access to every information he has given us (right of access no. 12 Law 2472/97) and to object at any time to the processing of the data concerning him (right of objection no. 13 Law 2472/97 ).

Personal Data Protection collects personal information of its visitors, only when they themselves provide it voluntarily. The purpose of this collection is to provide services that are available electronically and which are the following:

The Newsletter,
The online shop,
The ability to comment on published products

Any personal data that you declare anywhere on the pages and services of the website, are intended solely to ensure the operation of the respective service and may not be used by any third party, without complying with the provisions of Regulation 679/2016 EU. and any other law that is in force or will be in force regarding the protection against the processing of personal data.

The online store operates in accordance with current Greek and EU legislation and safely keeps your personal data for as long as you are registered in a service of which are deleted when you request it. The personal data you provide to is used exclusively by it, in order to support, promote and execute the transaction relationship as well as to inform the user e.g. information material, newsletter etc.

The data kept in the file may be disclosed to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities upon their legal request and in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. The User has, within the framework of the legislation on telecommunications privacy, the rights of information and objection.

User Rights
At any time you wish, you can exercise the fundamental "right to oblivion". On our website you can, after logging in to your account, delete your account along with your personal data. At the same time you can edit and change your personal data. Use these possibilities with care and responsibility. Taking care of your personal password is at the same time your responsibility, so please take special care to avoid unauthorized access to your data by third parties.

We make every effort to avoid cases of interception or loss of personal data. We have the appropriate safety requirements and carry out at regular intervals the necessary preventive technical inspections with interventions and upgrades where needed. In the unlikely event that any problems arise with your personal data in the future, our company data controller will notify you immediately to take appropriate action to safeguard them and avoid adverse effects.

Cookies are small text files that contain pieces of information that are stored on your computer or device and that you send us each time you visit. We use cookies in order to be able to offer you personalized content and to measure the performance of and to export statistics for the use of our services. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, however you can control the behavior of your browser from its settings. However, keep in mind that cookies are necessary in order for your account to work, although they are not necessary for every use of the site.